Monday Aug 20, 2018
Dom Udell
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
On this week’s episode, my guest is not a student of the Harold Ramis Film School, but he is definitely deeply involved with the program. Dom Udell is a Chicago-based cinematographer who has been involved with multiple student films over the past year. I wanted to learn more about how he got involved with HRFS, and what he hopes to gain from partnering with so many students to help them with their projects. On with the show!
Thank you to Dom, to the Harold Ramis Film School, and The Second City Staff for their help. The song on this week’s episode was “The Mountain” by The Great Heights Band off their new album “Rad-Pop” - pick up the album today on iTunes and Google Play! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Liz Fitzgerald
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
My guest this week is Liz Fitzgerald from the soon-to-be-graduating Orange Cohort. We talk about taking improv classes in Chicago, her cohort's plans for after graduation, and we even get interrupted by a security guard trying to kick is out of the building!
Thank you to Liz, to the Harold Ramis Film School, and The Second City Staff for their help - and for not kicking us out of the building! The music on this week’s episode was “I've Been Long Gone” by Derek Evry. You can find more of his music at DerekEvry.com! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Jeff Winograd
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
On this week’s show, I’m joined by Jeff Winograd from the Red Cohort. We talk about Jeff’s time in Hanoi, his final film project, and the pain and anxiety a director experiences between an assembly cut and a final cut.
Thank you to Jeff, to the Harold Ramis Film School, and The Second City Staff for their help. The music on this week’s episode was “Promises” by Derek Evry. You can find more of his music at DerekEvry.com! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Actors Panel w/ Adriana Trajkovski, Brittani Yawn, and Zak Kinnaird
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
This week’s episode is a special one! I have three actors who have each been in a bunch of HRFS projects over the last two years: Adriana Trajkovski, Brittani Yawn, and Zak Kinnaird. I talk with them about how they got involved with HRFS projects, the traits of an effective director, and how to get the most out of working with film school students.
If you want to learn more about Zak’s monthly Cold Reads, Hot Scripts event, check out www.coldreadshotscripts.com. Thank you to all three of them, to the Harold Ramis Film School, and The Second City Staff for their help. The music on this week’s episode was “Thank You Enough” by Derek Evry. You can find more of his music at www.DerekEvry.com! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Bridey Hicks
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
On this week’s episode, my guest is Bridey Hicks from the Orange Cohort. We talk about films getting killed by technology, finding the first gig after school, and we talk about her final project film called “Everything is Fine”. If you want to check out the trailer for “Everything is Fine”, head over to FilmStudentPod.com.
Thank you to Bridey, to the Harold Ramis Film School and The Second City Staff for their help. The music on this week’s episode was “The Perfect Dance” by The Silent Critics. You can find more of their music SilentCriticsMusic.com! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com - including the trailer for Bridey’s final film, “Everything is Fine”.
See you all next week!
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Michaela Stewart
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
My guest on this week’s show is a graduate of the program - Michaela Stewart from the Blue Cohort. We talk about her experience through all sorts of film schools, her favorite standup comics, and we discuss a particularly bad film set she worked on, and what she has taken from that experience.
Thank you to Michaela, to the Harold Ramis Film School and The Second City Staff for their help. The music on this week’s episode was “Believe Me” by Piff Tannen. You can find more of Piff’s music (and his excellent film work) at MangoCityMedia.com! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Dan Murray
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
My guest this week is Dan Murray - one of my classmates in the Cyan Cohort. We talk about contradictory writing classes, the work of Billy Zabka, and we talk about the pilot I just finished called “Time Bar” which was inspired by an improv scene we did together.
Thank you to Dan, to the Harold Ramis Film School and The Second City Staff for their help. One note: if you want to look into the Starz show we talk about at the top of the episode, it’s called “The Chair”, and you can find it on Starz website. The song on this week’s episode was “Tonight, Our History Will End” by Derek Evry. You can find more of Derek’s music at DerekEvry.com! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Bethany Berg
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
My guest this week is Bethany Berg from the Original Orange™ Cohort. We go way off topic - over scheduling yourself, Epcot Center, memory loss, not drinking in beer commercials, getting fired from crappy jobs - we cover it all, and more!
Thank you to Bethany, to the Harold Ramis Film School and The Second City Staff for their help. The song on this week’s episode was “Wished I was Dead” by The Great Heights Band off their new album Rad-Pop - Available now on iTunes and Google Play! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Danny Marshall
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
My guest this week is Danny Marshall from the new Orange Cohort. We talk about the educational path from engineering to comedy, his early exposure to Blazing Saddles, and the comedic impact of The Golden Girls!
Thank you to Danny, to the Harold Ramis Film School and The Second City Staff for their help. The song on this week’s episode was “Quicksand” by The Great Heights Band off their new album Rad-Pop - Available now on iTunes and Google Play! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Joshua Edalgo
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
My guest this week is Joshua Edalgo - a member of the Green Cohort and a recent graduate of the Harold Ramis Film School. We talk about his newfound appreciation for Assistant Directing, writing satire, and the ultimate question in life: figuring out what to do next!
Thank you to Joshua, and to the Harold Ramis Film School and The Second City Staff for their help. The song on this week’s episode was “What’s Real!” by The Great Heights Band off their new album Rad-Pop - Available now on iTunes and Google Play! This show was recorded and edited by me, Tony Lazzeroni.
If you want to hear more from me and my classmates, teachers, and a few special guests, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. If you have questions or comments, send us an email at filmstudentpod@gmail.com, or find us on Twitter and Instagram at FilmStudentPod. And be sure to check out some of my and my classmates’ work at FilmStudentPod.com.
See you all next week!